Knights Swing to Sizzling Victory

Knights Swing to Sizzling Victory
Jordan Loiselle of the Canada Reds catches a heater that flew by Camden D'Souza of the Ottawa Knights. (Photo : Jason Setnyk photo)

On Sunday, July 7, the Ottawa Knights triumphed over the Canada Reds Prospect with a narrow 5-4 victory at Black Sox Field in Legion Park during a U16 regular-season game.

The bright summer sun shone down, casting long shadows over the field. Despite the scorching 28°C heat, parents and spectators enthusiastically cheered on the young athletes. The crack of the bat and the cheer of the crowd filled the air at Legion Park.

Coach Daylon Courchene of the Ottawa Knights commented on his team’s performance, stating, “For us, this is a regular season game, and so far so good. Our season has been going well; we’re in first place thusfar.”

This matchup was part of the Can-Am United League, where young ballplayers compete against teams from the USA, Ontario, and Québec. This regular season game occurred amid a baseball tournament held at another diamond at Legion Park for the younger teams in the league.

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