Bruce Trail record set by Cody Taylor

Bruce Trail record set by Cody Taylor
Cody Taylor stands at the northern terminus of the Bruce Trail in Tobermory, marking the end of his journey along the iconic path at 3:45 am.  (Photo : Submitted photo)

Cody Taylor set a new course record on the Bruce Trail, completing the 900-kilometre route unsupported in just 14 days and 30 minutes. “I had to carry all my nutrition and filter water at natural resources and camp out on course,” Taylor explained. “I wasn’t allowed any help or pacers.”

Starting August 9 at 3:15 a.m., the Cornwall man’s journey began with a 52.6-pound backpack, which gradually lightened by 2.5 pounds each day as he consumed his supplies. “I got up at 3 a.m. and ran/hiked till 8 p.m.,” he said. In the final stretch, Taylor pushed through two nights without sleep, relying on brief “5-minute micro naps.”

Reflecting on his achievement, Taylor noted, “It’s an extremely tough course but beautiful. I’m grateful I’m healthy to do this.” His feat concluded August 23 at 3:45 a.m., marking a significant accomplishment on one of Canada’s most challenging trails.

The previous best time, held by Jamieson Hatt, of Coldwater, Ontario, was 14 days, five hours and 20 minutes.

At right, Cody Taylor stands at the northern terminus of the Bruce Trail in Tobermory, marking the end of his journey along the iconic path at 3:45 am.  Submitted photo

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