There are pros and Cons of water meters

Seaway News
There are pros and Cons of water meters

The Editor,

Re: Letter of July 17.2024 Peter McArthur, Cornwall

Personally I am not a fan of water meters.  But I do understand Peter’s thinking , but thats good for the the well to do families. Earth is made up of 71% water, 29% land. But yes Peter its no reason to waste  water or anything. My question is if someone on low income or on disability with a large family, will pay lots more than they are paying now. Its just not the same to compare heating and lights to water usuage. Anyways I respect Peter’s opinion and John’s opinion. My friend in Calgary bought a new house, they are on water meters, there was a leak on City property, and his first water bill was a shocking $1500.00 bill, yes it was adjusted but what a shock and trying to get it fixed.

Derek Sheppard,

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