TERRIBLE NEWS: Well-known local filmmaker being mourned following scuba incident

TERRIBLE NEWS: Well-known local filmmaker being mourned following scuba incident
John Earle wants to run as the local Liberal candidate in the next provincial election.

CORNWALL, Ontario – A well-known filmmaker, political candidate and musician  died following a tragic scuba-diving incident Saturday night near Cornwall.

John Earle, who last year ran in the provincial election as a Liberal candidate, had his body pulled from the water near Guindon Park.

Reports indicate Earle was yelling for help from the water before slipping below the surface.

Cornwall police confirmed a death following a diving incident Saturday.

Police were not releasing details of the incident just yet.

“We got a call of a diver in trouble,” said police Sgt. Mark Anderson. “Is it diving related? Is it medical related? We don’t know.”

Earle was passionate about many things, from diving to film-making and music.

Last year he finished second to incumbent MPP Jim McDonell in the provincial election.

He leaves his wife Alyssa Blais, as well as a son and daughter.

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