SOUTH GLENGARRY, Ontario – The annual Raisin River Canoe Race, which was scheduled for this Sunday, April 15, has been postponed for one week.
“We have considered the latest forecasts which call for the likelihood of a high impact storm consisting of snow, ice pellets, and freezing rain all weekend. These conditions would be very unpleasant for paddlers, spectators, volunteers and volunteer safety crews,” South Glengarry Fire tweeted from a statement from the Raisin Region Conservatin Authority on Friday, April 13. “We are also concerned about participant and spectator safety. Those who have pre-registered online will be given the option of a deferral for next week, a refund, or they may elect an alternate paddler for their entry. We will be contacting people by email directly,” reads a follow-up tweet.
When first making the announcement, the South Glengarry Fire Department said that the race will happen on Sunday, April 22 regardless of the weather conditions.
The weather forecast for Sunday, April 15 according to The Weather Network is -2 with snow and a chance of freezing rain.