Meet Board Member Judy Tessier

Provided by WDMH Foundation
Meet Board Member Judy Tessier
Judy Tessier (Photo : Submitted photo)

Judy Tessier didn’t need the hospital tour when she joined the WDMH Foundation Board of Directors in June. For more than 20 years, Judy was a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH), before she retired three years ago.

“When I started at WDMH, one of the first things I noticed was how much people appreciate having the hospital close to home,” remembers Judy. “At that time, the Emergency Department hadn’t been renovated yet, and I was amazed at how the Foundation team and community volunteers raised millions of dollars for the expanded hospital. We have such a generous community.”

Judy’s career has included developing and expanding the family farm operation, raising a family, roles as project manager, estimator, and purchasing agent for the family landscaping construction business, critical care nursing at The Ottawa Hospital, and her time at WDMH.

Judy was raised on a Renfrew County dairy operation. She and her husband purchased a farm just outside of Winchester in 1979.

“When my next-door neighbour Wayne Burns suggested I consider applying to join the Board, I was intrigued,” sums up Judy. “I liked the idea of a new experience with a lot of things to learn. And I knew Wayne would be a good person to have as a mentor. I look forward to giving back on the Board.”

“We are excited to welcome Judy to the Board. She brings so much to the table – from farming and business experience to compassion for the patients we serve.” notes Managing Director Kristen Casselman. “I also want to say thank you to Stephen McClellan and Tod King who are leaving the Board. We are so fortunate to have committed community volunteers to guide our work.”

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