Hall of Fame for the Arts

Nick Seebruch
Hall of Fame for the Arts
Some of the outside workers on the picket line in front of City Hall on Thursday

CORNWALL, Ontario – The Centre for the Arts Collective/ Collectif pour un centre des arts held a fundraiser at the Legion in Cornwall on Sunday, Oct. 22 to raise money for an Arts Hall of Fame.

The fundraiser included a dinner at $15 a plate, a silent auction of some pieces of art and live music from the Re-Treads.

The goal of the evening was to raise $5, 000 for a digital version of an Arts Hall of Fame. Elaine MacDonald The Centre for the Arts Collective said that they have costed the price of producing such an institution and they already have $2, 500 that they have raised. She explained that any money that they raise in excess of their goal will go to a municipal fund for an Arts Centre. That fund itself currently stands at about $5, 000.

Money raised at Sunday night’s event would be matched by the Scotiabank branch in Cornwall.

“The Hall of Fame will be a permanent installation in the Arts Centre,” she said. “For now, like everything else for the arts it is going to be mobile.”

The Collective already knows the names of their inaugural Hall of Fame class, these include Edith Styles, Lionel Tessier, Tommy Thompson, Andy Trasuk and Ron Sullivan. All of the members of the inaugural Hall of Fame class were members of the Cornwall Theatre scene in the 1960s.

The Collective hopes to have another induction ceremony in October  2018 to induct a second class of nominees to the Hall of Fame.

MacDonald also encourages anyone who wants to help to raise money for the arts to consider contributing to the Arts Centre fund at the City of Cornwall.

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