100 souls to support Rachel’s Kids

Nick Seebruch
100 souls to support Rachel’s Kids
Patti Petepiece.

CORNWALL, Ontario – Rachel’s Kids House of Hope is starting a new program for those who want to offer support, but cannot commit a lot of time.

Their 100 Souls program will be an exclusive club limited to 100 people. The club will meet for one hour, four times a year and each member is expected to contribute $100 at each meeting.

Melanie Gravel-Casey of Rachel’s Kids House of Hope says that the limited space is filling up fast with 25 people already signed up.

“It is a great opportunity to learn about where your money is being invested,” she said. “It is a minimal commitment and investment.”

All money donated through the program will stay in the community.

Gillian Oxley-Harper is one participant in the 100 Souls program.

“I was on the board of Rachel’s Kids for almost 10 years and vice-chair for almost eight, eventually, I had to step away, but have always wanted to stay involved,” she said. “Rachel’s Kids is a great charity and I believe so strongly in what they do. It is a minimal amount to invest while still being able to make a significant impact.”

To sign up, call Rachel’s Kids House of Hope at 613-933-3946.

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