CORNWALL, Ontario – The Children’s Treatment Centre (CTC) is the latest beneficiary of Walker ClimateCare’s WeCare program.
Each month, Walker ClimateCare donates to a local non-profit organization as a part of their WeCare program.
Recent beneficiaries have included Cornwall Victim Services, the OSPCA of SD&G, and the St. Denis Centre.
On Thursday, Feb. 3, Tom Rand, Branch Manager for Walker ClimateCare presented a cheque for $1,558 to Sean Adams, a volunteer with the CTC.
“Through COVID we’ve kept our doors open,” Adams said. “This has been possible through the donations we’ve received from people like Tom and Walker ClimateCare.”
The CTC helps children who have experienced abuse by providing counselling and support services. Since their founding, they have helped over 2,700 children.