Teens enjoy epic summer Nerf battles

Teens enjoy epic summer Nerf battles
Teens and SDC organizers/volunteers gather for an exhilarating Nerf Battle. Pictured Front: Remi. Second Row: Dolev, Itay, and Jacob. Back Row: Cassandra and Ryan. (Photo : Jason Setnyk photo)

Every Thursday evening, the Benson Centre transforms into a battleground where youth aged 11 to 17 engage in exciting Nerf battles, thanks to an initiative by the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area. The weekly event, running from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM throughout the summer, aims to foster camaraderie and physical activity among participants.

Cassandra Forget, an organizer and contract worker for the Social Development Council, shared her enthusiasm for the event. “Every Thursday is our Nerf battle. We come here for about an hour and do different variations to give kids an opportunity to get to know one another and participate in various physical activities.”

The battles feature a mix of game modes designed to keep the action fresh and engaging. “Nerf Everyone for Themselves” pits each player against all others, with the objective of being the last person standing. “Nerf Zombie” combines elements of tag with a survival theme, where players must avoid being “infected” by zombies.

The event has been well-received, with participation numbers steadily growing. “Weekly, we’re getting around 10 to 20 youths. However, we expect that to grow like all of our other activities,” Forget noted.

Youth must be registered in advance to participate, as spots are limited to 20 per event. All necessary Nerf equipment is provided; participants only need to bring running shoes and a reusable water bottle. Snacks and water are also provided to keep the energy levels high.

The free Nerf battles are made possible by the City of Cornwall’s Building Safer Communities Fund, awarded by Public Safety Canada and managed by the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area.

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