Recreation staff strike continues; still no ice at arenas

By Kim Burton-Schram
Recreation staff strike continues; still no ice at arenas
Ten North Glengarry recreation department workers on the picket line.

North Glengarry recreation staff, members of Service Employees International Union Local 2, remain on strike, with both the township and the union leaders unable to find a middle ground for a solution. The Township remains steadfast in its offer for wages, while the ten striking employees maintain they are merely seeking fair treatment.

Other departments within the township have received higher wage increases than the striking staff are requesting. Added to that, North Glengarry recreation staff earn less than their South Glengarry township counterparts.

Ice has not been installed in either the Alexandria or Maxville rinks, putting the upcoming hockey and skating seasons behind schedule. “We are members of this community too, and the kids are the ones who are going to suffer if this goes on. Fair is the word; we just want to be treated fairly,” say the strikers.

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