New Era in Paramedic Education Begins at SLC

New Era in Paramedic Education Begins at SLC
Barb LeBlanc (Associate VP & Dean), Glenn Vollebregt (President & CEO), Tom McCarty (CFO, NuMED), Gail Kaneb, Kellie Dimick (NuMED), Tom Kaneb, and Karrie Loynachan (Paramedic Faculty & Program Coordinator) at the ribbon cutting for the new Paramedic Simulation Centre. (Photo : Jason Setnyk)

Cornwall, Ontario – The grand opening of the new Paramedic Simulation Centre at St. Lawrence College (SLC) Cornwall campus took place on May 7. The event marked a significant advancement in healthcare education, showcasing the newly revamped facility equipped with cutting-edge simulation technology and learning tools to prepare students for real-life medical emergencies.

Barb LeBlanc, Associate VP (Academic) & Dean, Health & Wellness at SLC, and the event emcee, expressed profound gratitude towards the project’s supporters. “Thank you to everyone who made this possible. This new simulation centre will provide real-life training required for our paramedic field, encompassing not just acute medical situations but also mental health and primary health care,” said LeBlanc. “This lab will allow our students to experience unique training opportunities, increasing the depth and quality of our training and preparing them for the physical and emotional realities of being a first responder.”

SLC President & CEO, Glenn Vollebregt, highlighted the importance of community and philanthropy in making such advancements possible. “This is a celebration of philanthropy and of giving. We couldn’t have this facility without the incredible generosity of our donors,” Vollebregt noted during the unveiling.

Jeremie Deschamps, a 2016 SLC Paramedic grad and past instructor, shared his enthusiasm about the potential impact on current and future students. “Seeing the simulation lab makes me happy. It’s exciting for the students who will spend countless hours here, preparing for their future in emergency services,” Deschamps remarked.

Gail Kaneb, representing the Tom and Gail Kaneb Family Foundation which contributed significantly to the project, underscored the importance of investing in quality healthcare education. “We’re proud to invest in the education of our paramedics and nurses… We look forward to the impact this facility will have on our community and on paramedic services throughout the region,” said Kaneb.

The new Paramedic Simulation Centre is equipped with advanced technology, including video capture capabilities and simulated environments replicating real-life emergency scenarios. These features are set to enhance the learning experiences of students, better preparing them for clinical placements and their future careers.

The project was supported by donations totaling $200,000, including significant contributions from NuMED Canada Inc., an anonymous benefactor, and the Kaneb Family Foundation. The investment is part of SLC’s initiative to upgrade healthcare learning spaces across its Kingston, Brockville, and Cornwall campuses.

The opening event included speeches, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, a tour of the labs, demonstrations of the new simulation capabilities, and a celebration of the donors whose generosity made the new centre possible.

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