National Legion Week Celebrated in Cornwall

National Legion Week Celebrated in Cornwall
A large group of Legion members celebrated Legion Week. (Photo : Jason Setnyk photo)

The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Cornwall Branch 297 launched its National Legion Week with an open house on Sunday, September 15, 2024, welcoming veterans and community members to learn about the important work being done by the Legion. Located at 415 Second St. West, the open house provided tours, information sessions, and a light lunch to showcase the Legion’s impact on veterans and the community.

Mavis Williamson, 1st Vice President of Branch 297, highlighted the Legion’s wide-reaching role. “We serve veterans, of course, but we also provide various other services, such as catering functions and dances that support other community organizations and individuals, families as well,” she stated.

The open house aimed to educate the public about the Legion’s operations, including how poppy funds are allocated. “A lot of peopleknow we do certain functions, but this is a way to inform people of how we spend the poppy funds. It’s used for veterans, for kids, and for various programs,” Williamson added.

Robert Williamson, a Legion member and former M109 Howitzeroperator, shared insights on the iconic military vehicle displayed at the Legion. “It’s a 26-ton piece of machinery that can fire 18 kilometers. Some people think it’s a tank, but it’s a self-propelled artillery piece—a gun, as we call it.”

As part of Legion Week, the branch had events such as a Veterans Information Seminar and Member Appreciation Day, which included a discount on fish and chips for members.

“Legion Week is a chance for us to showcase the Legion and the activities and programs we offer,” said Mavis Williamson. “We’re proud to serve our veterans and community.”

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