Local Author Pens Child Safety Book to Save Lives

Provided by Bernard Major
Local Author Pens Child Safety Book to Save Lives
Bernard Major (Photo : Submitted photo)

Over 30,000 children went missing last year alone in Canada… This book will help reduce these numbers.

Cornwall native Bernard Major, son of Russell and Monique Major has authored a new book aimed at helping keep kids safe. The book titled “STREET Wise Kid : A  Guide To Help Your Kids Stay Safe ” draws on Major’s decades of experience in security and martial arts.

Major was born in Cornwall but eventually relocated to the United States. As a martial arts master and former bodyguard, safety and security has always been his top priority – for both adults and children.

From discerning between safe and unsafe strangers to understanding the concept of passwords as a safety measure, “Bernie Major’s Streetwise Kid” covers a wide range of crucial subjects. The eBook utilizes playful and colorful illustrations to create an entertaining and informative experience for children.

One of the eBook’s key lessons focuses on teaching children how to recognize potential dangers and maintain a safe distance from strangers. By providing practical knowledge and guidance, the book enables children to make informed decisions in various situations.

Another significant topic covered is the distinction between good touching and bad touching. By empowering children to recognize inappropriate behavior and respond accordingly. “Bernie Major’s Streetwise Kid” stands out due to its author’s ex-military/law-enforcement and security background, ensuring reliable and practical information. The book comes with an emergency identification kit, allowing children to quickly note important details if they witness an event.

Incorporating quizzes, exercises, puzzles, and games, the eBook ensures active engagement and knowledge retention for reinforcing real life lessons. Even adults may pick up a thing or two!” said Bernie Major, the author of the eBook.
To access “Bernie Major’s Streetwise Kid” Book it is available for download at https://keepevilout.com/store/bernie-majors-streetwise-kid-book. For more information, please visit https://KeepEvilOut.com or contact J Bernard Major CPS at info@PhantomConsultingUSA.com.

“Bernie Major’s Streetwise Kid” is a comprehensive 100-page eBook designed to ensure children’s safety. Authored by an ex-military and law-enforcement professional and the inventor of the “Barric-aid’, a door reinforcement device for schools, churches and businesses, the eBook provides practical knowledge and guidance for parents and teachers with its engaging content, interactive activities, and credible information, the eBook empowers children with the confidence and awareness to navigate potential risks.

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