Kin donates to RHSJ Health Centre of Cornwall

Cornwall Kinsmen Club
Kin donates to RHSJ Health Centre of Cornwall
Kinsmen President Shane Eitzen, Christie Hollingsworth from RHSJ, Kin Life Member Rick Shaver and Kin Ray Eady. (Photo : Cornwall Kinsmen photo)

Since 1933, the Cornwall Kinsmen Club has raised funds through a range of activities and invested these funds in order to meet the Community’s Greatest Needs.  These needs change from year to year and thus we adjust the flow of funds accordingly.  To assist us in our strategic process we have identified 7 broad categories:

  • Relief of Poverty;
  • Advancement of Education;
  • Culture and the Arts;
  • Health and Welfare;
  • Enhancement of Youth;
  • Enhancement of Public Security and;
  • Community Service.

Each year, a strategic planning process is undertaken to determine the levels of funding that would be allocated to each of these broad categories.  All community applications received are reviewed by members of the Cornwall Kinsmen Club and charitable donations are determined.  Groups may still submit requests during the year for consideration – application form is available on our web site,

Today’s donation of $ 10,000 to RHSJ Health Centre of Cornwall Fund falls under the health and welfare thrust of our strategy.  Generally, this includes organizations that provide programs dedicated to:  the cure and prevention of disease; helping the sick and the dying; improving the physical and mental health and well-being of specified groups; and providing social and recreational programs to senior citizens so they remain active in the community.

The RHSJ Health Centre of Cornwall Fund provides financial assistance to enhance specialty

therapeutic programs and to help fund priority equipment needs for St. Joseph’s Continuing Care

Centre (SJCCC). Their objective is to increase awareness about the needs of SJCCC through

community engagement, fundraising activities, granting opportunities, and funding requests. Their

main goal is to ensure the Centre has all it requires to provide the best care possible for the

residents and patients that call SJCCC home.

Todays funding will be applied to funding of the Elevate package – namely a Cable Functional Trainer and Pendulum Stepper for use by clients.

The Kinsmen Club wishes to thank all our community supporters that make these donations possible.  TV Bingo players & merchants, participants at some of our events (Kinsmen Farmers Market, Pizza Party) and our other fundraising events.

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