Fundraiser for 2-year-old battling kidney condition

By Richard Mahoney
Fundraiser for 2-year-old battling kidney condition
Rob Mainville and Brittany Kaddie with their two-year-old Kylie.

A very special fundraiser will be held October 5 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Army Navy and Airforce Club to help Kylie, the two-year-old daughter of Rob Mainville and Brittany Kaddie, who is battling Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, better known as H.U.S., a rare but serious disease that affects the kidneys and blood clotting functions of patients.

Kylie was first diagnosed with “gastro” like symptoms but only a very short time later she was rushed by ambulance to the CHEO intensive care unit August 26. She was already in kidney failure, requiring a blood transfusion.

Due to what Kylie’s body has sustained from the HUS, she will now have to be followed by a nephrologist and undergo many blood tests and life-sustaining treatments in the future.

Her parents, who both work at Walmart Logistics, thank friends, family and the community who have assisted in the immediate help provided during the initial crisis. This fundraiser is to help the family pay for future trips, specialized care and costs associated with her care in the future.

“We realize we are not the only families that have sick children:” states Rob, Kylie’s Dad, “but this is something that no parent should have to ever go through. We are so lucky that CHEO was there to help us. Both Brittany and I would have never gotten through this without the incredible team of specialists and staff at CHEO. We thank you so much for saving Kylie’s life!”

Singer Kevin Rivette, Rob’s cousin, will entertain during the evening.

“As many know, I have performed at the CHEO telethons in the past and have  helped its foundation in their efforts as they help so so many, including my children in the past and grandchildren in the present,” says Rivette. “When I got the call about Kylie, I shouted out to friends and family to pray. Those little eyes and that smile was so heart wrenching and although I don’t talk much about this, there was a child a little older than Kylie that was lost during my time performing for Operation Enfant Soleil in Québec fundraiser in Joliette. That never left me. And understanding the struggles that my parents did go through when I was terminal between the ages of 11 to 13 with many travels and expenses being quite low back then compared to today, that can be a very difficult financial burden on a family.”

He adds, “I know this community has heart and will support them in any way that they can!”

There will be no tickets sold in advance. There will be a cover charge of $10 per person; free-will donations will be accepted. There will be a door prize and a 50/50 draw.

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