CORNWALL, Ontario – The Corwnall Police Service (CPS) released their annual report on motor vehicle collisions. There was a drop in collisions in 2021 when compared to 2020. There were 992 collisions in 2021, 33 fewer than in 2020.
The average number of vehicles involved in collisions also went down in 2021, with 1,604 vehicles being reportedly involved in collisions last year compared to 1,684 in 2020.
The month with the highest number of collisions was February with 99, followed by November with 96.
The most commons day of the week to be involved in a collision was Friday. In fact, in 2021 the number of collisions per days of the week climbed steadily from Mondays to their peak on Fridays, before dropping off again on Saturdays.
The most common times of the day to be involved in a collision was between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Collisions mostly happened on dry, clear days where road conditions were normal and drivers were driving properly. Collisions occurred most often with a single or parked vehicle or while a vehicle was attempting to turn.
G2 licensed drivers were involved in 184 collisions while newer G1 drivers were involved in only 21.
There were 162 instances where a driver failed to remain at the scene of a collision.
There were 18 collisions involving pedestrians, most commonly happening at intersections when a vehicle failed to give the pedestrian the right of way.
The CPS received 18 reports of collisions involving an individual impaired by alcohol or drugs.
Of all of the collisions that were reported to the CPS in 2021, 251 resulted in injuries with two of those resulting in a fatality.
The intersection in the city that saw the most collisions in 2021 was Brookdale Ave. and Ninth St. with 13 collisions involving 24 parties and two injuries. The second top intersection for collisions was Ninth St. and Sydney St. with 11 collisions involving 21 parties and resulting in four injuries.
The intersection that had the highest number of collisions in 2020, Marlborough and Second streets, did not even make the list this year. The intersection of Brookdale Ave. and Ninth St. perennially makes it into the top 10 if not the top five intersections in Cornwall that see the most collisions every year.