Canada Foundation for innovation invests in upgrading environmental research capacity in Cornwall

provided by the River Institute
Canada Foundation for innovation invests in upgrading environmental research capacity in Cornwall

On Thursday, June 20th, River Institute Executive Director Dr. Jeff Ridal and Board Chair Mike Pescod announced plans to significantly expand research capacity at the organization as part of the establishment of the Environmental and Climate Change Observatory of Ontario (ECCO-Ontario). This new research partnership, which includes Queen’s University, the River Institute, and the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Environment Program, among other institutions, will help address challenges in regional waterways and wetlands that are experiencing unprecedented degradation and species loss.

The Government of Canada recently announced $4.6 million in support for ECCO-Ontario through the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s Innovation Fund. The funding includes support for the construction of a new environmental DNA biology lab at the River Institute main site located on the Cornwall Campus of St. Lawrence College, as well as the provision of specialized research equipment for members of the partnership.

“We are excited to be a part of this historic investment to expand innovation and environmental research in Eastern Ontario,” said River Institute Executive Director Dr. Jeff Ridal. “This funding will provide critical support for collaborative efforts to protect vital freshwater biodiversity and ecosystems.”

“We look forward to the expanded opportunities for students to participate in cutting-edge scientific research that this new support through the Canada Foundation for Innovation will bring to the Cornwall Campus”, stated Jennifer Haley, Dean, Interdisciplinary Studies and Pathways and Cornwall Campus. “The River Institute has long been a close partner of St Lawrence College, providing students in our Environmental Technician Program access to valuable hands-on environmental science training and experience.”

The ECCO-Ontario initiative will also support a new Environmental Science Research Centre and Indigenous Centre at the Queen’s University Biological Station, in addition to state-of-the-art instrumentation. Learn more about how the project is empowering transformative change:

The Innovation Fund provides investments in infrastructure, across the full spectrum of research, from the most fundamental to applied through to technology development.Through these investments, the Fund supports Canadian leadership in scientific exploration and knowledge generation while making meaningful contributions to addressing regional and global challenges. The funding also helps institutions attract and retain top talent, train the next generation of scientists, and support world-class research.

Thursday’s announcement took place at the River Institute’s Great River Gala, a fundraiser dinner held in celebration of the organization’s 30th anniversary.

About the River Institute

The River Institute was established in 1994 as a unique community partnership involving the City of Cornwall, United Counties of SD&G, Mohawks of Akwesasne, government, education, and industry. Its mandate is environmental research and education with a focus on the Great Lakes / St. Lawrence River ecosystem. The River Institute is a non-governmental, charitable organization and works in partnership with a wide variety of individuals, groups, agencies, and communities to fulfill its environmental mission.

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