Why you should avoid eating (too) quickly

Seaway News
Why you should avoid eating (too) quickly

Do you tend to devour your entire plate in a few mouthfuls? Do you know someone who gobbles down their meals at lightning speed? If so, you should know that this habit can be harmful in several ways. Here’s how.

Firstly, when you eat fast, your taste buds have less time to appreciate the taste of the food. This is unfortunate because eating should be enjoyable. Fast eaters also tend to eat larger portions, mainly because the brain needs time to feel full or satiated.


Overeating can also lead to being over-weight, which can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, studies have shown that eating too fast can cause gastric reflux, creating a bitter taste in the mouth, regurgitation and a burning sensation in the chest. There’s nothing pleasant about that!

Additionally, many people who eat quickly take large mouthfuls and don’t chew their food well. This can cause choking and digestive issues, such as bloating, gas and cramps.

Lastly, fast eaters tend to feel more tired after meals, which can affect their mood.

Take your time!

Learn to eat more slowly to avoid these problems. For example, you can try setting yourself the goal of taking at least 20 minutes to eat your meals. You can also try putting down your utensils between each mouthful.

Consult a dietitian-nutritionist for person-alized advice.

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