A rain garden is a bed of stones and plants that captures rainwater, allowing it to slowly seep into the soil through infiltration. Here are some guidelines to follow when planning your own rain garden:
• Location. Your rain garden should be located at least three metres away from your home to prevent water from seeping into the foundation. It should also be in an area that receives full sun or part shade. Finally, avoid building your rain garden over any underground infrastructure.
• Depth. Your rain garden should be between 10 and 20 centimetres deep. You must take the slope of your land into account when digging. The steeper the slope, the greater the depth. Additionally, making any necessary adjustments to ensure the garden is level is essential.
A well-designed rain garden should only retain water for one or two days after rainfall. It should remain dry the rest of the time.
• Retention wall. Made of excavated soil or fill, this barrier acts like a wall to retain water in the garden. Mulch is recommended to prevent erosion.
• Plants and stones. You can cover the bottom of the rain garden with plants and river stones or pebbles. For best results, select native plants with well-developed root systems. Ask a horticultural professional for advice on which species are best suited to rain gardens.
Find everything you need to make your rain garden a reality at your local building store.