National Make Your Bed Day

Seaway News
National Make Your Bed Day

This may come as a shock — but did you know that we spend a third of our lives in bed?  So, treat your bed with the respect it deserves on September 11, National Make Your Bed Day.  While you’re turning off your blaring, chirping or beeping alarm, consider that having an actual bed to sleep on is still relatively new, given the entirety of civilization.

It wasn’t all that long ago that our ancestors slept on mounds of leaves and mulch (or if they were very well-off, big bags of feathers scrounged from the barnyard fowl.) That should give you new appreciation for your 500-thread-count sheets and microfleece plush, duvet cover.  So, do the right thing. Make up your bed every morning and be grateful you’re not sleeping on the hard, cold ground.

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