Vote For Forced Water Meters

Seaway News
Vote For Forced Water Meters
The Editor:
I totally oppose John Kelly’s stance.  I am all in for metered water and unfortunately to get that is by forcing it on people.
For the sake of the planet and what we leave behind for future generations, people need to be forced to do the right thing and the only way to get them to do that is to hit them in the wallet.  We have all witnessed terrible water wastage as people leave sprinklers on all night, half hour showers, toilets not repaired properly so water is constantly running and numerous other fashions of water loss.
Currently a single person, many on fixed incomes, who use little water, can pay the same as a family with children and a pool, etc.  And people who try to conserve water, again can end up paying the same as extreme water wasters.  With meters you pay what you use.  I’m all for it!!
Peter McArthur,
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