Looks can be deceiving

Seaway News
Looks can be deceiving
The Editor,
Two weeks ago a Seaway columnist was presuming the defeat of the Liberals, particularly ofJustin Trudeau. He didn’t like the party to stay in power and spend more “with our money”.  Let him savour this premature victory. Maybe it’s about time for Canadians to watch again theparade of limousines, like the inauguration of Harper when the MP’s arrived at the Parliament. Each of them rode the classy car as if telling the citizens: “you poor? Well this is how the rich, famous and mighty look like”. Contrast that with how Trudeau entered the building when he assumed the PM’s office. He and his colleagues walked from the access road up to the door. The second time around? He did the same but not before mingling with the ordinary folks, talking/laughing with them, shooting selfies. Cheap gimmickry? Maybe, but he didn’t have to because, remember, he already won.

Trudeau is not the best leader the country has ever had but we feel that he’s a real person. He had a real job before he entered politics. When he assumed office half of the cabinet members were women, a situation that never happened before. He, and family, joined the Pride parade during the time when it wasn’t election season; so, you cannot suspect him of courting votes. Contrast this with the other party’s goal of abolishing same-sex marriage if voted into office (they won but had to forgo that idea because it ran counter to the popular trend).

He stood firm against the leaders of Saudi Arabia and China when the issue was humanrights. He didn’t mince words when he accused India of killing a Canadian citizen. He looks frail that’s why once a cocky senator challenged him to a boxing bout. He learned later that looks do deceive.

Federico Verchez,
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