Tallest Trees Contest

By Lynn Macdonell, Chair of Transition Cornwall+’s Tree Action Arbre
Tallest Trees Contest

Tree Action Arbre  is launching a contest in July which will challenge participants to find, identify, measure, and report the tallest trees in Cornwall. Everyone is welcome to enter this contest. In fact, everyone is encouraged to participate!

Searching out and identifying tall trees can be done while you go for your daily dog walk, or stroll after supper, or out with a friend, or during a family outing just for that purpose.

It is anticipated that folks will enjoy the challenge while growing their knowledge and appreciation of the various tree species that grow in the City of Cornwall. The free on line SEEK APP is a useful tool for tree identification, as are books available at our Cornwall Public Library.


This event will be presented and promoted on Tallest Trees Contest Facebook page. Complete details and instructions will be found at that location. If you are not on Facebook, ask around for someone who is, and request this person to make your entries. There is no limit of the number of tall tree entries that you submit. Instructions for measuring a tree will be found on the Tallest Trees contest FB page. Once you have identified the species and its height, it is very important to provide its location.

Doesn’t everyone enjoy a contest? More than enjoyment, this contest offers amazing prizes from generous sponsors.

This fun summer activity only lasts two months, July and August. Winners will be chosen for each tree species and will be declared in September.


See transitioncornwall.com for more information and to sign up for news.

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