Teens Get Creative at Cartooning Workshop

Teens Get Creative at Cartooning Workshop
Frank Burelle checking on student progress and giving helpful drawing tips. (Photo : Jason Setnyk photo)

The Cornwall Public Library recently hosted its “Cartooning for Big Kids” workshop on July 8, welcoming participants aged 14 and up to explore the basics of cartooning. The event, led by artist, cartoonist, and Cornwall Public Library Community Engagement Coordinator Frank Burelle, aimed to accommodate both beginners and experienced artists looking to try a new style.

“I start with the basics. Super simple stuff, and I walk them through the drawings step by step,” said Burelle. “As the session progresses, I like to keep it dynamic with a lot of back and forth, so we often end up drawing things I hadn’t thought of. It’s fun.”

Burelle tailored the workshop to various skill levels, allowing rookies to keep it simple while giving experienced artists the freedom to modify their drawings. “What I hope they take away from the session is more faith in their skills as cartoonists and a deeper appreciation of the art itself,” Burelle added.

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