Sonic Bliss at Cornwall Drone Day

Sonic Bliss at Cornwall Drone Day
Fire Antlers, Travis Kinnear and Andrea Kinnear, a brother and sister duo from Wakefield, Quebec, playing at Drone Day 2024 in Cornwall. (Photo : Jason Setnyk photo)

Cornwall Drone Day 2024, held on May 25, showcased an eclectic afternoon of drone, ambient, and experimental music. The event featured performances by Prototypo, Equal Ways, Clint House, Piss the Bed, Fire Antlers, Paraphonique, Jasper the Cat, and Glocked & Loaded, bringing together eight bands from Ontario and Quebec.

The concert, hosted at an abandoned barbershop on 139 Montreal Rd, was free to attend, and food donations were collected for the Agape Centre. This local gig was part of a global celebration in which fans of these niche music genres unite to create and appreciate unique sonic performances.

Event promoter Sterling Campbell shared, “Every year on May 25th; there is a worldwide drone celebration where everyone gets together around the world and makes noise together. This year, we’re having it at this vacant barber salon. We’re just droning and getting together and having a great time just listening to each other’s music, noise, drone, ambient, and experimental music.”

Stacey Case, from Cornwall, explained his performance as Glocked & Loaded via social media: “I’ve dusted off the glockenspiel, added reverb and delay, and a Korg drum machine.” The show created a unique auditory experience for those in attendance.

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