Resolution in sight for shopping cart issue

Alycia Douglass
Resolution in sight for shopping cart issue
An abandoned Wal Mart shopping cart at the corner of McConnel and First Street (Nick Seebruch/TC Media).

CORNWALL, Ontario – The City has been searching for a solution to the area’s shopping cart issue for almost a year now.

Having scratched the proposal to charge retailers a holding fee for collected carts, Mark Boileau, General Manager of Planning, Development & Recreation, says that they may have come up with a plan that works for everyone.

“We continue to meet with a sub-committee made up of retail representatives,” said Boileau. “We’re hoping that consistent signage in each store will make it clear to shoppers that taking carts is illegal, and we will be addressing it as such.”

While most agree that abandoned shopping carts are an eyesore, Boileau says that they are an additional hazard in the colder months.

“Our concern is that the combination of snow plows and shopping carts could lead to a very dangerous situation,” said Boileau.

In March, City of Cornwall Supervisor of Bylaw Enforcement, Christopher Rogers acknowledged that poverty was another key factor to consider.

“We know that poverty is part of the equation,” said Rogers. “To ignore this reality would be insensitive to those who are less fortunate in our community.”

Boileau says that in partnership with the City and Social Services, shoppers will soon see mini carts available for purchase at various retailers.

“We’re trying to help those who don’t have the means,” said Boileau. “Carts will be valued around $30, and will be available at a subsidized rate for those in need or free through Social Services.”

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