Diversity Cornwall’s Exclusion of MP and MPP Sparks Debate

Diversity Cornwall’s Exclusion of MP and MPP Sparks Debate
Openly gay MP Eric Duncan marching at the 2023 Pride Parade. (Photo : Jason Setynk photo)

Diversity Cornwall, the organization behind the annual Cornwall Pride Festival, recently requested that MP Eric Duncan and MPP NolanQuinn refrain from participating in this year’s Pride Parade. This decision, aimed at addressing perceived anti-trans policies and statements from Conservative leadership, has ignited a heated debate within the community.

The controversy began when Diversity Cornwall sent letters to MP Duncan and MPP Quinn, affiliated with Conservative parties, asking them not to attend the event. In explaining their decision, DiversityCornwall stated, “Diversity Cornwall made the difficult decision to askour MP and MPP to refrain from marching in this year’s Pride Parade in solidarity with other 2SLGBTQ+ organizations across the country who are taking a similar stance in response to the Conservative Party of Canada’s derogatory remarks and legislation aimed at restricting the rights of trans and nonbinary community members across the country.” In an interview, they cited specific examples such as Pierre Poilievre’s comments on “biological males” in female spaces and MPP Quinn’s vote against Bill 42, an NDP private members bill, which sought to establish an advisory committee on gender-affirming health care.

MP Duncan and MPP Quinn expressed their disappointment after a media request for a statement. MP Duncan, the first openly gay MP from SDSG, highlighted the perceived irony of being banned from an event meant to promote inclusivity. He stated, “There is a certain irony that the organizers banned their local gay Member of Parliament from attending a Pride Parade that exists to show acceptance and support for anyone who is LGBT… I am proud of who I am and to serve as an openly gay Member of Parliament in the community where I wasborn and raised.” He emphasized his advocacy for LGBT rights, including his efforts against the discriminatory blood donation ban and conversion therapy.

MPP Nolan Quinn, a financial supporter of Diversity Cornwall through his restaurant business and an advocate for the 2SLGBTQ+community, also voiced his dismay. “For years, I have proudly stood as an ally for diversity and equality, advocating for the rights and well-being of all constituents, including those within the 2SLGBTQ+ community,” he said. However, it should be noted that in his statement, MPP Quinn did not address the Bill 42 vote.

The decision by Diversity Cornwall to exclude the MP and MPP prompted reactions from local leaders after MP Duncan shared the letter. Mayor Justin Towndale and SDG Warden Jamie MacDonald both penned letters to Diversity Cornwall urging them to reconsider theirstance. Mayor Towndale highlighted the importance of inclusivity, stating, “Ensuring that all are welcome can break down barriers and create understanding.” Warden MacDonald echoed similar sentiments, stressing that community events should be open to all members of the public, regardless of their political affiliation. In a statement, he said, “We subscribe to the belief that community events are open to all members of the public, regardless of their age, sexual orientation, race or political party.”

There was speculation that MP Duncan shared the exclusion letter to negatively influence Diversity Cornwall’s funding. “We are extremely disheartened by Mr. Duncan’s choice to go to our funders in anattempt to discredit the organization and impact the funding that we receive to deliver programs and services to his constituents. Nonetheless, we stand firm in our commitment to our trans and nonbinary community members, regardless of the potential implications,” said Diversity Cornwall President Elizabeth Quenville, who spoke on behalf of the Board in an interview request by SeawayNews.

Mayor Towndale clarified that while MP Duncan did share the letter, there was no intention to revoke funding. He explained, “I addressed an event in Cornwall where people seemed excluded based on political affiliation. I sent the letter as Mayor.” However, Warden MacDonald reiterated that Diversity Cornwall received $2,500 from SDG Tourism’s Regional Tourism Grant program, half of which had been disbursed. He warned that excluding certain politicians couldjeopardize the remaining funds, as the program requires taxpayer-supported events to be free of restrictions. MacDonald emphasized, “SDG Counties is a region of acceptance and diversification. Community events are open to all members of the public, regardless of age, sexual orientation, race, or (in this case) political party.”

The letter Diversity Cornwall sent to MP Duncan emphasizes the issue of silence from local political leaders regarding “a troubling rise in transphobia, homophobia, hate speech, and harassment, largelyexacerbated by Conservative leadership.” According to Diversity Cornwall, the focus is on the lack of response to these pressing social issues rather than mere party affiliation. Despite some backlash, Diversity Cornwall stood by their decision.

Diversity Cornwall explained that their primary concern was to support the trans and nonbinary community, even at the risk of losingfunding. They reiterated their willingness to engage in dialogue with MP Duncan and MPP Quinn to discuss the concerns of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. “Our Board discussed the potential impact of asking MP Eric Duncan and MPP Nolan Quinn not to attend, particularly the impact that it may have on our ability to receive funding and sponsorship. Ultimately, the Board agreed that it was more importantthat we stand in solidarity with our trans and nonbinary community members than it was to toe the line of our funders,” Quenville stated on behalf of the board.

Diversity Cornwall emphasized their commitment to inclusivity, stating, “Our organization is committed to creating spaces that are safe, welcoming and inclusive. First and foremost, we serve theinterests of 2SLGBTQIA+ community who have explicitly requested our organization’s support and solidarity in speaking out against the anti-trans policies being promoted by the Conservative Party of Canada.” They also highlighted the need for continuous support for 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, adding, “Standing up for 2SLGBTQIA+ rights is not something that happens once a year at the Pride festival. We cannot march in a parade one day a year and consider ourselves to be allies. We must continue to stand up and fight for the rights of our 2SLGBTQIA+ community members 365 days a year.“

For transparency, it is important to note that Diversity Cornwall’s letter to MP Duncan, as well as the letters from Mayor Towndale and Warden MacDonald, were not disseminated by Diversity Cornwall, MP Duncan, MPP Quinn, Warden MacDonald, or Mayor Towndale. This disclosure ensures that none of the parties cited in this article were responsible for the public release of the correspondence.

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