Book Launch to Celebrate Local Women’s Stories

Book Launch to Celebrate Local Women’s Stories
Ginette Guy Mayer holding her new book The Women of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Akwesasne: True Stories of Extraordinary Lives coming out this October. (Photo : Jason Setnyk photo)

Author Ginette Guy Mayer will be launching her new book, TheWomen of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Akwesasne: True Stories of Extraordinary Lives, on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at the Cline House Gallery, located at 204 Second Street East in Cornwall. The event will run from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Mayer’s book offers a collection of 21 stories that highlight the diverse experiences of women from Eastern Ontario and Akwesasne, ranging from the region’s earliest settlers to contemporary figures. The timing of the launch is particularly significant as it coincides with Ontario Women’s History Month. “In 2017, when I wrote the biography of Mary Mack, I came across other interesting women’s stories,” Mayer explained. “This year, I looked at them and decided it was time to tell those stories. The book is a fundraiser for the United Way, which seemed fitting as they meet the needs of people across the region.”

The author shared insights into her research process, emphasizing the importance of capturing the choices and opportunities thatdefined these women’s lives. “I didn’t want to write just about women who were first in their field or did great things. Rather, it is about choices and opportunities,” Mayer said. “Some of the early women had very little choice; others had more, and we see what they did with those choices.”

The book launch will coincide with an exhibition by Glengarry artist Stuart McCormick, known for illustrating some of DorothyDumbrille’s books, creating a  connection between the arts and literature at the event. Attendees can expect refreshments, a presentation by Mayer on the book’s background, and possiblysome readings from the book. “I might do a reading or share snippets from interesting aspects people might not know about,” Mayer hinted.

For Mayer, this book is a continuation of her commitment tohighlighting women’s contributions to history. With a background in writing and history, including writing over 300 articles, and a career in the Canadian Armed Forces, Mayer has dedicated her retirement to volunteering with heritage, history, and genealogical groups in Cornwall.

The book launch at Cline House Gallery is open to the public, and all are welcome to join in celebrating these remarkable stories andthe women who lived them. This event in support of the United Way is sponsored by the Cornwall and District Labour Council and and Lynn White of Assist2Sell.

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