Beyond 21 feeling blessed for interim location at Knox-St. Paul Church

Shawna O'Neill, Special to TC Media
Beyond 21 feeling blessed for interim location at Knox-St. Paul Church
Beyond 21 participants thank the UCDSB for their years of support

CORNWALL, Ontario – Beyond 21, a foundation working with differently abled adults, has moved following the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) acquiring T.R. Leger, the old General Vanier School. This space will be converted into an elementary school. The foundation occupied the school for six years and developed a growing program that has over 50 families supported. 

“The Hub for Beyond 21 Foundation would like to say in wholeheartedness, a sincere thank you to the Upper Canada District School Board!” said Tish Humphries, President of the Board of Directors for Beyond 21, in a media statement. “This wonderful opportunity allowed us to become financially sustainable in the first two years, as per our agreement, and to grow and flourish in our staffing and program development…Thank you to both David Thomas and Superintendent Tim Mills for making it possible for us to stand by our vision.”

Knox-St. Paul approached the foundation and offered to host them. According to Jane McLaren, Executive Director for Beyond 21, the members and neighbours of Knox-St. Paul have received the foundation graciously — making them feel welcome after only two days in the space.

“It felt very much like home coming into here,” said McLaren. “So it’s like stepping into a future, and spreading our wings a bit, and at the same time continuing (services), and it’s been really wonderful to do this transition.”

Beyond 21 is continuing regular services and is hoping to increase the amount of families it supports, especially because it is in a larger space now. The foundation has a lead on a permanent location but expects to temporarily hosted for at least nine months.

“We are really blessed to have this opportunity now which will transition us going forward,” said McLaren.

On the last day at T.R. Leger School, United Way presented Beyond 21 with a Piece by Piece  quilt, from the Ground Soap initiative, to wrap and carry their memories and accomplishments forward. The quilt now sits as a memento in the foundation’s new location.

Beyond 21 is now located at 800 Twelfth St in Knox-St. Paul’s United Church. Visitors are always welcome. 

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