Art Exhibit Explores Ancestry

Art Exhibit Explores Ancestry
Artists Erin Robertson and Stephanie Hill at the opening reception (Photo : Jason Setynk photo)

The Cline House Gallery unveiled “Gardening Tips and Other Family Heirlooms” on June 22, 2024, featuring works by Stephanie Hill and Erin Robertson that explore deep familial roots in the Cornwall region through various mediums.

Erin Robertson, a multi-disciplinary artist, shared, “The work in this show is inspired by my father’s family ancestry in Maple Grove, one of the sunken Lost Villages along the Seaway.” She continued, “One of the pieces in this exhibit is called ‘Seance,’ a wall of ancestors… It’s bringing the presence of these people that farmed in the area and lived and died in the area to the Cline House, which is said to have paranormal activity.”

Stephanie Hill, who works in pen and ink, drawings, watercolor, oil painting, and ceramics, explained, “A lot of the pieces are about my family and our history, especially as my family’s been here for a couple of hundred years, about the sort of things that we pass down to each other both physically and emotionally.”

The exhibition, running until July 20, invites visitors to reflect on their own familial connections and legacies.

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