Your Care Connection: The Montessori approach to care

Your Care Connection—Leesa McNally
Your Care Connection: The Montessori approach to care

As we age, it’s no secret that our social circles, abilities, and vocations change, and we need to find different ways to thrive. Often, the tasks and activities that once brought us joy become more challenging. At St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre (SJCCC), we strive to offer the most meaningful programs and services to meet the ever-changing needs of our residents and patients.

In 2022, we introduced the Montessori Approach to Care to our residents in long-term care as a way to support their unique needs through customized opportunities to rediscover activities that give meaning and purpose. These activities are often based on a resident’s interests, skills, and abilities, focusing entirely on the journey rather than the result.

The benefits of the Montessori Approach to Care are endless. As the individual begins to embrace new roles and routines, boredom and loneliness are reduced while self-esteem and confidence are renewed. This new sense of purpose helps the individual begin to set new goals for themselves and continue to thrive.

At SJCCC, we are constantly incorporating new person-centered programs to respond to the diverse needs of those who join our Home. When a resident settles into their new Home, we interview them using a Montessori assessment to understand their holistic well-being. We look at their history, likes and dislikes, passions, values, interests, and life experiences.

Montessori programs take shape in a variety of forms but are always meaningful. Task-oriented Montessori programs offer residents the opportunity to fold their laundry, facilitate reading groups, help with nourishment passes, and distribute mail, helping them feel accomplished and fulfilled. Our gardening group that oversees our courtyards in the warmer months, finds purpose in selecting, planting, watering, and nourishing the beds allowing them to flourish. We adapt our programs to provide equitable access for all regardless of emotional, physical, or cognitive abilities, to meet people where they are in their journey and adjust according to their needs.

By engaging in preferred former pastimes, like flower arranging, puzzles, and matching games, we can encourage residents to use their fine motor skills and decision-making techniques. Also, our ever-popular music and reminiscing program evokes memories of good times with their loved ones and creates opportunities to have wonderful and meaningful conversations with friends.   It is an innate human need to offer purposeful contributions to their communities and to make choices that empower their confidence and zest for life.

Through the use of virtual reality programs, we can adapt our programs to provide equitable access to experiences allowing the person to continue to feed the thirst for knowledge through travel, learning new skills, and discovering new and exciting things.

Our core value in promoting this mindset is: “The more you do for me, the more you take away from me”. The success of this program has been nothing short of outstanding, and we look forward to the future of Montessori at SJCCC.

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