Volunteerism: the heart of our community

Amy Gillespie - Your CCH Checkup
Volunteerism: the heart of our community

This month, I’d like to celebrate the local volunteers whose efforts make incredible impact across our community. In a busy world, the act of freely giving time and care outside of regular commitments to work, family or personal interests is worth its weight in gold.

According to Statistics Canada, Canadians are most likely to dedicate volunteer hours to hospitals, religious organizations, sports and recreation clubs, or groups dedicated to the arts and culture. At CCH, our Hospital Auxiliary members play an essential role contributing to the patient and visitor experience. From wayfinding at registration or in the Emergency Department, to managing the gift shop, or acting as aides for programs like the geriatric day clinic, members of our Auxiliary create community in a clinical place.

The Auxiliary is an esteemed and appreciated partner of our Hospital Foundation. Like CCHF, their organization understands the gap that exists between government funding and hospital costs, and their members also work hard to fundraise for essential medical equipment that makes local care better. Thanks to their outstanding charitable work, the Hospital Auxiliary is one of CCHF’s largest donors, having contributed approximately $750,000 through the Foundation to make exceptional healthcare possible.

A recent example of our Auxiliary’s charitable impact is the $35,000 donation they made at our Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon supporting efforts to bring a new fracture table to CCH. This year’s Radiothon was an exceptional event, bringing us 80% towards our goal of $185,000. As of this month, we have $25,000 in fundraising remaining to make our project a reality. The fracture table will help patients from youth through seniors requiring orthopedic surgeries for trauma from accidents, congenital problems to prevent future procedures, age-related wear and tear, and even full hip replacements.

Currently over 100 members strong, our Auxiliary was established in 1949 and is always looking for new members to help support our hospital. Interested applicants can find out more information or pick up a registration form at the CCH gift shop.

Outside CCH, local volunteer groups and service clubs are responsible for innumerable good works. From our Cornwall Kinsmen and Kinettes, to our Lions Club, our Cornwall Legion Branch 297, The St. Joseph’s School of Nursing Alumnae, the Optimist Club, Rotary Clubs across SDG, Club Richelieu du Cornwall, Catholic Women’s League, Knights of Columbus, Army Navy Airforce Club, R.C.A.F and Kiwanis as examples – these organizations have a rich history of community giving, fueled by the passion and determination of their members.

We appreciate the volunteers who help our Foundation fuel exceptional local healthcare through essential medical purchases. To support CCHF, or contribute to our fracture table fundraising, please visit www.cornwallhospitalfoundation.ca and donate today!

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