In 2022, CCHF announced an incredible story of philanthropy made possible by local sisters, Rhoda and Minnie Bartle. A teacher at Central Public School, Rhoda dedicated her professional life to helping children learn and grow. Minnie was a typist and talented painter. The sisters lived a quiet life together in Dover Heights and left an extraordinary gift to CCHF in their estate after they passed.
The largest one-time donation in our Foundation’s history, the sisters provided $2.5 million to support the future healthcare needs of patients at CCH. Large estates require significant time and planning. Thanks to the Bartle sisters’ generosity, CCHF set aside $1 million towards the purchase of our hospital’s next CT scan machine, additional funds for mental health and urgent equipment needs, and I’m proud to share details about the final $1 million allocation with you in today’s column.
The CCHF Forever Fund: Thanks to Rhoda and Minnie’s legacy of giving, The CCHF Forever Fund was created from the remainder of their estate to help grow charitable contributions for the hospital over time. The CCHF Forever Fund is an endowment fund. This means its principal remains invested, and the annual interest it generates will help purchase urgently needed medical equipment for local patients.
Our team at CCHF is appreciative of every donation we receive, and the CCHF Forever Fund is simply another way to support local healthcare needs. As the CCHF Forever Fund grows, so does our revenue. This long-term investment strategy, common at large hospital foundations across the country, will increase our charitable impact over time and place less strain on the community as expensive projects occur.
As healthcare costs continue to rise, CCHF must prepare to continue supporting our hospital and its patients for generations to come.
Supporting the CCHF Forever Fund today, or tomorrow. Every donor is different. Some want to watch charitable donations grow during their lifetime, while others must wait to leave a gift after they’re gone. What these individuals have in common is the belief that they can help make a positive difference in the lives of others.
The CCHF Forever Fund is appropriate for donors interested in long-term strategy, tax-advantaged major gifts, or those considering a charitable contribution in their will. Individuals interested in learning about, or contributing to, the CCHF Forever Fund can contact me via email at:
Experience you can trust: We are proud to work with RBC Dominion Securities to help manage the CCHF Forever Fund’s growth. A Board-approved investment policy governs the prudent management of the CCHF Forever Fund, and a copy of this policy can be provided upon request.
From monthly donations, to events, tribute gifts and our Forever Fund, CCHF is grateful for our community’s support, now and for generations to come.