Size of Council

Dick Aubry
Size of Council

There has been quite a lot written on this subject recently, both in this newspaper and the Freeholder.
It’s really much ado about nothing. You and I may have the time to jaw jaw about this, but I submit the council has much more important things on its plate.

I doubt there is any scientific way to determine the right number — it is a totally subjective thing, so one could argue ad infinitum and be no better off.

Some time in the 1980’s the Council went from 12 Aldermen to 10 – later to be rebranded as – Councillors. Any savings from a further create to say 8 Councillors from 10 would be very small.

However, if you still like the reduction argument go to only 4 or even 2. That would maximize the savings, but at what cost? You end up with not a democratic council, but something resembling an autocracy, from Russia or North Korea.

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