Quick tips for everyday low back pain

Natasha Ingram—Movement Matters
Quick tips for everyday low back pain

Everyone has felt it one way or another – after gardening for too long, being on your feet all day, or after being sick in bed – lower back pain is unfortunately a common everyday complaint. Luckily there are tips and exercises you can perform daily in order to prevent or alleviate this pain. As always, this does not replace medical advice. If you have concerns, if pain persists, or if pain is going into your leg, please consult with a healthcare professional.

1) Contrast bathing has been helpful in reducing lower back pain. This is when you ice the sore area for 5 minutes, and immediately following you apply heat to the area for 5 minutes, then return to ice for 5 minutes, and finish with heat again for 5 minutes. This completes a 20 minute cycle and can be performed 3 times daily.

2) When you’re sleeping, try placing a pillow under your knees if you lie on your back, or between your knees if you lie on your side. This reduces pressure on your back.

3) Following are some exercises you should perform in a calm environment, focusing on being mindful of your movements.

Exercise #1: 360 breathing. Positioned on your hands and knees, make sure your hands are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. Try to relax completely in this position, allowing your belly to hang down towards the floor with gravity. When you inhale, gently expand your ribcage outward towards the sides and forward towards the floor (think of expanding a balloon). On your exhale, relax your ribcage and stomach. Do this for 60 seconds, 3 times daily.

Exercise #2: Pelvic Tilts. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly rotate your pelvis forward as far as you can comfortably allow by gently arching your back. Hold for a few seconds, then rotate your pelvis backwards as far as you can comfortably allow by flattening your back. Perform 10 repetitions, 3 times per day.

Exercise #3: Child’s pose. On your hands and knees, sit your pelvis and hips back on your heels. Reach your arms forward and lower your chest down to the floor as far as you can tolerate. Try to stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. In this position, try breathing the same way we mentioned above. Repeat 3 times.

Be kind to yourself and grateful for the movements your body is allowing you to do. Every day might feel different, please perform the exercises slowly and gently with the intention of increasing your pain-free mobility in a safe environment. If you have more questions or concerns, please contact our physiotherapists at office@movetherapeutics.ca. Move well and move often!

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