PM not giving up best job he’s ever had

Mac's Musings—Claude McIntosh
PM not giving up best job he’s ever had
Mac's Musings

Rumour-mongering has Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stepping down before the unholy alliance, that keeps the Liberals in power, with the NDP expires in June 2025.

The PM has said he’s staying on. And why not? It’s the best job he has ever had.

And, it gives the Liberals time to spend more money on buying votes (with our money) and chipping away at the lead Double P and the Tories have on the ruling party. The Brinks trucks are leaving Parliament Hill as we speak.

As somebody mentioned the other other, “Hard to vote against the guy who gave me free dental care and sends me a cheque (climate action) every three months.”

HITS AND MISSES: Hey, back in February folks were paying big money to enjoy a couple of weeks of basking in tropical heat. Hang in there, in another seven months we can all start complaining about the cold. … Cable television didn’t cover the fall of the Roman Empire, but it is covering the fall of the United States. … Legendary football coach Bill Bellichick spotted with his new girlfriend. He’s 72. She’s 24. He might be faced with a tough choice: Adopt her or marry her. … Sticker on back of car, “Proud parent of an Ontario Scholar”. Wouldn’t it be nice to see another version, “My Kid’s Not an Ontario Scholar, but Still Proud of Him/Her”. … If Russia is a feared military super power, why does it need North Korea to help supply it with weapons for its not-going-so-well war against Ukraine, a second-rate military power?

HERE AND THERE: A Donald Trump spiritual adviser. Now that’s a contradiction. The one he had just admitted to sexually assaulting a child. … Toronto has turned into ‘Loserville’ when it comes to pro sports. The Jays are a flop. The Raptors are terrible. The Leafs underachieved (again). Its Major Soccer League team is at the bottom of the heap. The American Hockey League Marlies lost more games than they won. Okay, Argos. It’s all up to you. … Justin Timberlake who is part of the campaign against drunk driving just got arrested – for drunk driving. … Joe Biden should have taken one for the team and announced 12 months ago he would not seek re-election. Instead, the oldest person to occupy the Oval Office wants the world’s most demanding job for another four years. …. Some no-mow May advocates must use a new type of grass seed: the kind that doesn’t grow grass in May.

BACK IN 1953: The first and only traffic fatality involving a Cornwall transit bus occurred in June 1953 when the driver of a meat market delivery station wagon was killed. His vehicle went out of control after its front wheels got caught in the train tracks on wet pavement and struck a Cornwall Street Railway bus on Cumberland Street. … The Cornwall Municipal Airport Commission received $50,000 from the federal government to help construct an airport at Bonville, six miles northeast of the city. … Queen Elizabeth’s coronation was celebrated in the city with a ceremony at the Athletic Grounds where 8,000 people listened to the Queen’s speech from London over loudspeakers. Four different parades converged on the Grounds from different parts of the city. Three babies born on the day at city hospitals received silver spoons from the Governor General’s office. The babies were born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Philip St. Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Fern Harkness. … For stealing three bicycles, a 15-year-old Cornwall teen was sent to St. Joseph’s Training School in Alfred, Ont. for an indefinite period. Two other city teens, ruled unmanageable, were sent to the school that would become the centre of a sexual abuse scandal involving the religious order than ran the place. … St. Lawrence Park Pavilion opened for another season with the Jimmy Thompson Orchestra and Vince D’Alessio and the Men of Music playing. … Students of Gladstone Public School were evacuated when fire broke out in the basement book storage room. … A 16-room tenement at Second and Hickory, owned by Mrs. H. T. Donihee, was torn down to make room for a gas station. … The Regional Hospital Council said there was an acute shortage of registered nurses. …Annual meeting of the Cornwall Community Arena Company reported a net profit of $1,164. The biggest generator of revenue was hockey which brought in $9,721. Public skating was second with $4,386. The meeting was told that a heating system was in the works. … For the first time in Cornwall, a 3-D movie – The House of Wax – was shown at a movie theatre. … Allan Clarke was named Cornwall Police Department chief, replacing Frank Hunter who retired. … Cornwall Classical College held its first graduation ceremony. … Cornwall Collegiate sprinter John Sloan set two records at the Eastern Ontario Secondary School Association (EOSSA) track and field meet in Ottawa. He won the junior 100-yard sprint in 10.9 seconds and captured the 220-yard race in 24.7 seconds. The 100-yard mark had been set by Collegiate sprinter Len Stidwill in 1933. Allan Robertson won the intermediate 100-yard hurdles in a record 16.2 seconds. Team-mate Gord Hickey was first in the senior 100 and 220.

A SMALL WORLD: Further evidence it is a small world. My neighbour at ‘Camp Paradise’ (aka trailer park), who has lived in Asheville, North Carolina for the past 25 years but is from Cornwall, tells me his doctor in Asheville asked him about his “accent” and wondered where he was from. When he said he was from a “small town in Ontario Canada” the doctor asked where in Ontario? When he said Cornwall, to his surprise, the doctor announced, “I know where that is. My uncle lived there. I’ve been there.”

TRIVIA: The steeple over the Parkway’s Hotel’s main entrance came from this local church?

QUOTED: To escape criticism – do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. —Elbert Hubbard


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