Operation Backpack

Lisa Duprau—Centre Agapè Center
Operation Backpack
Poverty and food insecurity effects over 1000 children in our community on a consistent basis. Missed meals, empty cupboards and encountering barriers to food are things that no one should be experiencing, especially our youth who depend on their families, communities, and support systems to ensure that their basic needs are met.  In 2023, 33% of foodbanks visits in Canada supported children.
The Agape Centre is always focused on meeting the needs of children at risk of being hungry and living in food-insecure households. We have implemented programs designed to remove barriers to food and offer parents the support needed to provide for their children.  Kids Community Kitchen is open for breakfast and a take-out lunch Monday to Friday and the After the Bell program runs throughout the summer months.  Our newest initiative this past school year was Operation Backpack which provided 109 students in one elementary school with 4400 packs of food for meals on the weekends.
As a province and a country, we are failing at providing the basic necessities for our citizens. The 2024 Foodbanks Canada Poverty Report Card ranks our province with a grade of D-, a decline from last year’s grade of D.  As a country we received a D grade for 2024. We can do so much better.
“It is widely known that the effects of childhood poverty follow children through adolescence and into adulthood.” — Chris Van Hollen
June 2024 Statistics
Community Market appointments       1273
Hot meals served                     2425
Individuals served                        3239 (1139 children)
New Visitors                         87
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