“Gut Microbiome”

Stacia Carlton—Essentially Food
“Gut Microbiome”

We are seeing the term “Gut Microbiome” come up A LOT lately. What in the world is it you may wonder.  In a snapshot, it is the community of bacteria, viruses and funghi that live in your digestive tract. Sounds delightful doesn’t it? Why is everyone so concerned about these little devils you may also be wondering. The answer to that is simple – the balance of all those little living creatures (and there are TRILLIONS of them!) is crucial for maintaining optimal well-being, including our immunity and even mental health.

Sounds pretty science-y right.  The answer to the obvious question of how is actually pretty simple. Consume a diverse range of fibre-rich foods, probiotics and the most fun one; Fermented Foods! Some examples of fermented foods includes;Yogurt, Kefir, Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Kombucha, Miso, Tempeh and my personal fave, PICKLES! You might also want to add in some prebiotic foods such as garlic, onions, bananas, asparagus and oats. These are the types of fibre that feed those good little bacteria in your gut.

Some other important habits you might want to consider implementing for good gut health are to limit sugars and processed foods, stay hydrated, exercise regularly (even a 20 minute walk every day counts!) and keep your stress levels in check.

Even better news on this seemingly overly science-y subject is that many of the foods that I’ve listed are available from local producers. Hit up your local farmer’s markets for MANY of these foods! SC

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