Failure: Not an Option

Pastor's Desk—Pastor Jim Drennan
Failure: Not an Option

The more you keep mining for promises in scripture, the more you unearth. God is a promisor and he wants you to know this and to be confident in Him, that all things can work out. God promises, and he keeps his promises concerning “faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time.” He’s the ultimate ‘promise keeper!’

A good definition of a promise is: “An assurance God gives his people so they can walk by faith while they wait for him to work.” In the Bible, the book of Isaiah chapter 43, verses 1-4 there is another powerful promise for us to consider today, “I will not falter, God is watching.” Falter or faltering is a serious word, a sobering situation. With fear and doubt you’re still moving, but faltering is a fall, stumbling or failure. You’ve hit the ground and crashed. There are all sorts of video compilations on YouTube these days called ‘fail’ or ‘epic fail.’ If you’re under 25 you know exactly what I mean; like “cycling epic fail.”

But Isaiah 43 encourages that if you’re walking in God’s strength, you won’t falter. “But now, this is what the LORD says; Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have chosen you by name.” Here’s a great picture of God’s watchfulness in deep trials. Isaiah wrote “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.” When the water gets deep, God is watching. Few things are more terrifying than deep, threatening waters. “The water’s getting pretty high here Lord… anytime now!” Even if you’re treading water, believe that he’s holding you up. God is watching, he really is. He’s not off busy doing something else. He’s not missing anything. How many channels can you watch at once? Picture In Picture on your TV was interesting while it lasted, but God really sees it all! 8 billion people plus all those already in heaven, and all those angels, plus all the birds and critters! He watches, and He cares. Amazing!

And why does he watch? This is really the best part. “Because you are precious and valuable to me.” We receive honour and value as he places them upon us. Don’t boast and think that “It was because I’m so valuable.” No, God will redeem/rescue as you call on Him and ask for forgiveness and new life. You then become His. In the 1995 Movie Apollo 13, a pivotal moment included the line: ‘Failure is not an option’ as the three astronauts required and were given a rescue plan. God has a plan for all of us to submit to that will eliminate all present and future faltering!

Pastor Jim

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