Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon, 2 announcements coming…oh joy

Leo Doucet—News from The Square
Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon, 2 announcements coming…oh joy

Did you know that this week’s BIG NEWS for Cornwall Square is THE CORUS CARING HEARTS RADIOTHON all day Thursday, August 22, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. in support of the CORNWALL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL? The event takes place on the main level of the mall in the Centre Court area. Come down and meet the personalities and DONATE. Come to the Square to do some shopping or some eating BUT don’t forget to DONATE.

Very few people from Cornwall and the surrounding area will go through life without ever setting foot in the CORNWALL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL either for themselves or their family members. Both my family and I have had the occasion during the four years that we have lived here in Cornwall, to use the services of the health care professionals of the CORNWALL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL.

REMEMBER, Thursday August 22nd, 2024, COME TO THE SQUARE Come early and be the first to DONATE or come late and be the last to DONATE or join the crowd in the middle and DONATE. Look at your donation as a “paying it forward moment” for when you show up on the CORNWALL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL’S doorstep in need of their care or perhaps you can take the opposite view and have a “saying thank you moment” for the care that you have already received and are very grateful for.

The CORNWALL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL is there for all of us daily.  Thursday August 22 is “The Day” that we all need to be there for it.

Last year, the Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon set a record for donations during its 13-hour long radiothon, let us on Thursday, outdo last year’s record.

Did you know that the leasing gods appear to be smiling on Cornwall Square as there are 2 announcements coming prior to the end of the month for new tenancies? Stay tuned.

Did you know that an empty space can be viewed in 2 ways? The first is the natural pessimistic approach that looks at the vacant store and says, “Not another empty space, the world is coming to an end.” The second is the rarer optimistic approach that says, “Wow! This empty space will allow me to bring in a new tenant that will add a new retail store or a new service to the mall for the customers’ benefit and also add value to the property.” The current Cornwall Square management and ownership have not only taken the second approach but have succeeded in attracting new tenants that will trigger the start of the redevelopment of the mall’s west end with the remerchandising of the main floor of the former Sears store.

 Did you know that there are Back-to-School deals galore here at Cornwall Square?

“Shop Cornwall, shop indoors, shop The Square.” 

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