Connecting with your kids during summer vacation

Geneviève Desrochers-Canadian Mental Health Association
Connecting with your kids during summer vacation

Summer is here, which means that kids are on vacation from school. If you are a parent, you might wonder how you will keep your kids occupied, away from screens, while ensuring they enjoy their summer.  You might also be wondering what fun activities you could do with them without spending loads of money. In this article, I will share some ideas that will help you connect with them, create great memories and enjoy this summer break with them.


Planning activities

A good way to ensure your kids will enjoy the activities planned for the summer is to involve them in the planning process. You can organize a brainstorming family meeting in which everyone is sharing their ideas and preferences. A variety of options will then be considered and everyone will have something to look forward to. Inviting the kids to make their own research about destinations and fun activities the family can engage in while respecting the budget will also make them feel valued and will develop their sense of responsibility.


Setting aside dedicated time

A great way to nurture strong relationships with your kids is to deliberately carve out time from your busy schedules to fully engage in the activities that were planned.  Being present with your kids means being mentally and emotionally attentive, not just be physically present.  Make sure you put aside any technology to spend the time to talk and engage face to face with them, taking in the sights, sounds, and emotions of the moment.


Trying something new

Trying new things as a family can teach your kids to step out of their comfort zone and learn new skills. Instead of sticking to usual destinations or activities, why not visit a new place, try exotic food, explore a new hobby or practice a new sport?


Serving others

Both you and your kids can learn great lessons when engaging in service activities. Helping others is not only beneficial for the ones who are served, but also to the ones who serve. There are plenty of opportunities to help people around you: helping someone move, doing yard work for someone else, running errands for a loved one, cooking a meal together for someone who is sick. You can also decide to join a cause that is meaningful to you and your kids.


Spending time in nature

As discussed in my last article, spending time in nature is very beneficial for physical and mental health. There are numerous ways to enjoy the beauty of nature with your kids: going on picnics in a park (involving the kids in preparing the food), bird watching, going on a camping trip, fishing, hiking trips in the woods, horseback riding and more.


Attending summer events

If you look for them, you can certainly find various events to attend in your area: music concerts, farmers markets, county fairs, art expositions, cultural events, etc. These are great opportunities to discover new artists, local businesses, try different food and enjoy new experiences.


Planning and practicing various activities with your kids can create meaningful experiences for them and memories that they will cherish for many years.



Mindful Ways to Connect with Your Kids During Summer Vacation (

Meaningful Ways to Connect with Your Kids During Summer Vacation – Shop




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