
It’s never easy to lose a loved one

—  23 November 2011

The loss of a loved one is possibly the hardest thing a human being will ever have to endure.…

Canadian Parliament expanding the House of Commons from 308 to 338 seats

—  9 November 2011

The Tory government has taken the right step to give fast growing provinces like Ontario, Alberta…

Countless Sporting Options for Kids and Adults in Cornwall

Countless Sporting Options for Kids and Adults in Cornwall

—  13 July 2011

Excuses, excuses. We come up with as many as we can when it comes to exercise and keeping healthy…

Cornwall benefits from Jehovah’s Witnesses’ conventions

—  29 June 2011

Since 1998, the City of Cornwall has hosted the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Watch Tower conventions.…


—  16 February 2011

Have you ever heard of the Ontario Realty Corporation? Sounds dull, eh? However, I was surprised…

Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries need peace, stability and true democracy!

Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries need peace, stability and true democracy!

—  12 February 2011

Massive people power succeeded in toppling Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak after nearly 30…

A piece of history is gone in Cornwall

—  29 August 2010

So there I was travelling along Second Street and I thought I’d tune into one of the radio…

Love means being able to say you are sorry

—  22 March 2010

Lack of an apology has sunk many relationships. Fear, embarrassment, pride and ignorance are…

Reminder of why the Canadian Senate should be abolished

—  22 March 2010

Dear Editor, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s recent appointment of five new Conservative…

What’s important in Canada

—  22 March 2010

Dear Editor, Studies were made on Canadians resulting in a fun-to-read book called 101 Things…