By Adam Brazeau
CORNWALL, Ontario – Public speaking is one of the biggest phobias people have. Luckily, depending on the crowd, there are more options than just picturing the audience naked to survive the experience.
Smart City Toastmasters is starting a six-session Speechcraft seminar series from Oct. 16 to Dec. 11 at the St. Lawrence College campus (River Room, 3150).
“A goal of Smart City Toastmasters is to assist individuals to become confident with their speaking abilities,” said Toastmaster representative Cindy McGillis.
McGillis is coordinating the Speechcraft speaker series where participants will learn to prepare and present speeches and learn how to handle impromptu speaking situations.
“This is done in a friendly and relaxed environment where immediate positive feedback is given,” she said.
At the sessions, the participants will do speeches and regular members will give presentations that will be educational. Examples include discussion on the importance of public speaking, presenting a speaker, how to organize a speech, how to use gestures and using vocal variety when speaking.
The participants are involved in the regular sessions and will present their speeches.
Mentors are assigned to each participant to guide them through the sessions and assist them to be successful at preparing and presenting their speeches.
“It will help participants to gain confidence, ace that next interview, develop their speaking abilities and leadership skills,” said McGillis.
The cost is $40.00 for the materials and you can register by contacting Jeanie at 613-861-2056 or Cindy at 613-551-8662 or e-mail: The series is limiting the number of participants to five.