The power of purple

Andrzej Terrence, Special to TC Media
The power of purple
Shelby Beckstead throws powdered purple chalk at Déric Gareau during the children's run at Lamoureux on Sunday for the Purple Colour Run. Seaway News file photo.

CORNWALL, Ontario – Sunday at Lamoureux Park brought nearly 200 people down to the Bandshell for the Purple Colour Run to support Cornwall’s Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS).

Volunteers bombarded contestants with powered purple chalk throughout the 5 km run as they raise awareness and funds to help those in the community who are affected by sexual violence.

Purple is SASS’s colour and is an anti-violence colour.

Angela Vinet, a key organizer of the run, said, “We wanted something different that we can get more of the community involved in and something that would be fun.”

The group expects to raise over $3,000 for their first ever run but plans to host another run next year.

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