Downsizing seems inevitable

Royal Lepage—Linda Giroux-Daigle
Downsizing seems inevitable

The transition to the next phase of life is finally upon you. Whether you are retired or still working, you have come to the realization that you are now older and your home has become too big to keep up with. The kids have either married or moved on and started their own lives. Whatever the case may be, downsizing seems inevitable. Whether that looks like selling your home and moving to a smaller home, condo, apartment or retirement residence, decisions need to be made and they are not easy ones  that`s for sure. Reaching out for guidance and support is also not an easy task when our pride gets in the way. Whom do I ask? Where do I go? How can I do this? Where do we start? All this uncertainty can be very overwhelming.

Reaching out to a Realtor® is a great first step.  Some of them have the SRES Designation (Seniors Real Estate Specialist) a credential that shows they have taken an extra course specializing in assisting seniors. They have the connections, tools and the answers to the many questions you are going to have and yes, there will be many.

Some people have been in their home for a very long time, decades for many and it is not easy having built so many memories, milestones and cherished moments over the years to think that it will be all left behind to start anew. The thought alone can be very stressful.  Not to mention, all of the accumulated “stuff”. What do I keep, what do I get rid of? We all accumulate “treasures” over our lifetime, but when the time comes to have to decide whether it goes in the keep pile or the get rid of pile, it can be hard and emotionally daunting.

Working with a Realtor® will give you a plan of action. They will guide you with downsizing those treasures, figuring out logistics and point you in the right direction when it comes to choosing your new place to live. The good thing with “memories” is, you can take them with you wherever you go. Good luck on the next phase of your life.

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