Making a difference in the lives of children

Lisa Duprau—Centre Agapè Center
Making a difference in the lives of children

Poverty can affect people in many ways, creating barriers, restricting access, and having a profound impact on their daily lives.  For children, the effects of poverty can be long lasting and play a major role in their adult lives. Poverty limits the chances youth can have to access memorable life experiences, participate in recreational activities, join a local sports team, register for a local cultural or artistic group, or simply attend a community event that would enrich their lives.

The Kinsmen Club of Cornwall has recognized this need in our community and introduced the Kinsmen Helping Hand Fund.  This program is designed to provide funding for children to have memorable life experiences that given their financial situation would not be available to them.  The Agape Centre is proud to have partnered with the Kinsmen Club to administer the funding and collaborate with all area organizations that provide children’s services and youth programs in Stormont, Dundas, and South Glengarry to ensure that we reach as many families as possible.

This new funding is already making a difference, creating opportunities for youth to excel and enjoy new adventures by removing financial barriers and proving the Kinsmen Helping Hand Fund to be a success.  Let’s ensure that children have the means to engage in their communities and foster meaningful lifetime experiences. For more information, please contact me at 613-938-9297 ext. 127 or at

“Children are our most valuable resource” Albert Einstein

August 2024 Statistics

Community Market appointments 1555

Hot meals served 2802

Individuals served  3651 (1315 children)

New visitors 193

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