Northern Reflections new hours … food hall seating do’s and don’ts

Leo Doucet—News from The Square
Northern Reflections new hours … food hall seating do’s and don’ts

Did you know that Northern Reflections is changing its store hours for the weekdays. The Northern Reflections store will now be open from 9:00am to 7:00pm Monday to Friday. and 9:00am to 5:30pm on Saturday.

Did you know that this coming weekend on June 15th there will be the “AID the STRAY” vendor market fundraiser in The Square Marketplace located opposite the passenger elevator in the mall.

Did you know that on Saturday June 22nd, the Cornwall SDG Festival International Afro & Diversity committee will be holding a fundraising event at centre court on the main level here at Cornwall Square as a prelude to the FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL AFRO & DIVERSITY itself to be held at Lamoureux Park on July 12th, 13th, and 14th.

You need to know that the FOOD HALL seating area exists in the first place to provide a place for people who purchase food and/or drink from the FOOD HALL Restaurants to sit and enjoy their meal or beverage.

The FOOD HALL seating area IS NOT a Party Room for people to show to celebrate someone’s birthday, bring their decorations, their own food and drinks, their own cake and cookies and upon arrival commandeer 4 tables and many chairs to create their own party room to the detriment of other people who have bought food from the FOOD HALL restaurants and end up having no place to sit because of the selfish actions of the group who should not be in the FOOD HALL in the first place.  The FOOD HALL seating area IS NOT a delivery address for someone to order a pizza from a local pizzeria and once delivered, to sit down and eat it and once done, leave the garbage behind for our maintenance team to clean up.

The FOOD HALL seating is an integral part of the FOOD HALL concept that is made up of two parts, Part 1 is the FOOD HALL Restaurants and Part 2 is the FOOD HALL seating area.

Mall management will be putting up signage to let people know the basic rules for using the FOOD HALL seating area:

1. Food hall seating area restricted to people buying food from the Food Hall restaurants.

2. No food permitted from sources other than the restaurants in the Food Hall.

3. Food Hall seating area is not a public community room or party room, it is there for the use of Cornwall Square Food Hall restaurant customers.

Shop Cornwall, shop indoors, shop The Square.

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